Keah Mason
I am an elementary school teacher. I am a proud godmother. I love music, bowling, and game nights. And I love my sister circle.
Sheri A. Fayton
I am a daughter of a King. I'm a storyteller who loves all forms of the performing/visual arts. I'm an unashamed foodie. And I'm a beautifully flawed, MASTERpiece!
Christina Williams
I am ME unapologetically. I am a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. God is first in my life and my family is next. I am a giver and I love to be used by God.
Ashley Gilbert
I am all together beautiful. Wife to my best friend and mom to 3 amazing children. Dancer. Freedom writer. I LOVE pizza, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies and of course the ocean!
Meet The REAL Women Team
Dr. Trenace N. Richardson
I am a Christ follower. I am a wife of one and a mom of two. I love to sing and I adore all things outdoorsy. And I think frogs are cool animals...for real.
Nephateria McBride
I am a minister, teacher, speaker, & encourager! I am a lover of strolls on the beach! I am authentically ME! I am His Warrior Princess!
Shavon Carter
I am The YOU Relationship Coach. I love to eat. I am originally from Florida. I am single with no children... #freedom.
Bathsheba Smithen
I am a Jesus follower. I have two beautiful children. I am a poet, author, and artist. I am a world changer. Oh, and I love seafood and salt 'n vinegar potato chips.