My Innermost Being

It’s taking me a while to learn to integrate all of me into one harmonious self. I have often wrestled with different parts of me, feeling as though some part of me was unworthy or unfit. This led to much headache, heartache, and self-sabotage.
If I allow myself to, I can dwell in my past regrets. I have so many. But what I’m learning is that dragging my innermost being backward to live in a past moment, does so much damage to my soul. It’s like reliving hurts and mistakes all over again when I don't choose to live in today. But how do I live in today?
This morning, Proverbs 4:20-27 speaks to me clearly. I will probably spend the next several days breaking this down for myself. I hope to share some of those musings with you. until then, I pray this blesses you In your innermost being as much as it did me.
“My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.”
Proverbs 4:20-27 NLT